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Starter Company Plus

Training, Mentoring, Funding Opportunity

An accelerated training program that provides hands-on support in developing your business plan and cash flow projections, with the opportunity to pitch for grant funding.

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 Join the contact list for the spring 2025 training!

The next available intake for the Starter Company Plus program will be spring 2025. Information sessions are scheduled for April 1 & 3... interested entrepreneurs must attend one to receive an application form for a May start date. Please join the contact list to ensure you receive an invite to register! Thank you!

Recent Grant Award Recipients 

StCo+ 2024  Fall Media Release.jpg

Autumn 2024

Tyler Cormack of BSure Home Services located in the City of Pembroke, Patricia Daly of Devine Philautia Crystals located in the Township of Whitewater Region, Jennifer Daniels of Corvus Financial Consulting Inc. located in Renfrew, Scott Fawcett of Ottawa Valley Air Paddle located in Arnprior, Jessica Gibson of Handmade Herbology located in the Township of Killaloe, Hagarty, & Richards, Samantha MacFarlane of Ottawa Valley Wellness located in the Township of Whitewater Region, Laura McKay of Laura Ashley Medical Aesthetics located in Deep River, Deidre Myler of Fresh Start by Deidre located in Petawawa, and Tammara Smith of Be Empowered located in the City of Pembroke. 


'Starter Company Plus has offered me and my small business an amazing opportunity, not just the chance to compete for a grant - but to learn, grow and hone my abilities to operate as a small business owner. I would recommend any new entrepreneur to this program and would even go as far to say it is a MUST before you launch!'


"The Starter Company Plus program was incredibly beneficial for me as a new business owner. It provided a wealth of information on integrating legal aspects, taxes, marketing strategies, and business planning. This comprehensive program was extremely helpful in identifying areas where I still need to grow and focus on building my business successfully.  The program equipped me with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of starting, running and building a business and I am truly grateful for the guidance and support, the entirety of the program provided. Big thanks for this incredible program for our growing community of entrepreneurs!"


'As someone who didn't put in quite enough time into the program and who didn't have a clear vision at the start of the program, I still found the whole program incredibly useful. I may not have pitched but the info, advice and other stories from everyone has given me a clear vision for where I want to take my business. Highly recommend this program!'


Program Details

Starter Company PLUS participants in training write a full business plan, complete two years of cash-flow projections, complete sessions with insurance, legal, and accounting experts, and have opportunity to compete through a pitch for a grant of up to $4,000 to start, grow or purchase their business.


Please Note: The award portion of the program is a competition; Not every applicant will receive a grant.


Applicants can only compete for the grant during the time frame of their application and acceptance into the Starter Company Plus program.


Applicants must be a resident of the County of Renfrew and the business must be based in and operating within the County of Renfrew.


Information Session Dates:

Please check the workshop calendar for info session dates and registrations or register below for an info session. Typically sessions are offered in the spring and fall. All meetings and training sessions are held online via Zoom. 


Mandatory Training Dates

To take part in the Starter Company PLUS Program you must be available to attend business training. All training will take place remotely via Zoom. You must have Microsoft Office Suite to access program training templates and will require @gmail address to access google classroom. 


Application Process

- Choose a time and attend an Information Session

- Submit the application form (will be provided after attending an Information Session)

- Participate in a one-on-one telephone interview


- If accepted into the training portion of the program, applicants must:

- Submit and sign an application form electronically

- Submit and sign a learning agreement

- Provide a copy of a business registration

- Write a business plan that includes two years cash-flow projections

- Attend all business training sessions

- Follow a personal learning plan

- Attend all sessions and complete all requirements to earn a pitch opportunity

- Applicants competing for the grant must provide 25% proof of financial contribution

- To compete for the business grant, you must prepare and pitch a fifteen minute presentation

   to the Grant Review Committee.  


*Successful grant recipients will continue with an additional two month coaching and reporting period. All program participants may access individualized business coaching post program.


To discuss the program and ask any questions call at: 613.735.8224

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Starter Company Plus

Many dedicated entrepreneurs have participated in Starter Company Plus training and earned grants over the 25 years ERC has been serving the region! 

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