Inspiring Entrepreneurship

Business Coaching & Training
Enterprise Renfrew County
Your Source for Small Business
Resources & Information
Enterprise Renfrew County's mandate is to encourage and contribute to the enterprising spirit and economic development of the County of Renfrew by assisting entrepreneurs with the development of new or existing companies.
Our team of advisors and mentors listens to understand your goals and connects you with resources to help you build your successful small business!

Our Programs & Services
Through collaborative relationships with community, municipal, government, and funding partners, ERC ensures regional entrepreneurs have access to current information and program contacts to help their business thrive.
How do we do it?
By offering free, confidential business coaching, training programs, grants, workshops, networking events, business resources, and referrals.

Free - Confidential
ERC's team understands the importance of being able to explore entrepreneurial ideas in a safe, confidential environment especially when concepts have not yet been released to the market. We also understand the challenges of business start up and financing.
Connect now to book an appointment to discuss goals and opportunities!
Summer Company is a provincially funded program giving students returning to school opportunity to operate their own summer business. Participants receive a $1500 start up grant and upon successful completion of all aspects of training receive up to an additional $1500 grant. During the program, participants learn how to start, operate, and market a business through training and mentorship.
Business training, mentoring, and funding opportunity...
Starter Company PLUS is a training program Enterprise Renfrew County delivers to residents of the County of Renfrew, on behalf of the Government of Ontario. Participants who complete training by drafting a full business plan, cash flow projections, and attend sessions with facilitators and mentors have opportunity to compete for up to a $4000 grant award.

Enterprise Renfrew County connects clients with partners including Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation who offer a matching loan to Starter Company Plus grant recipients and a variety of lending products. ERC is also a member of the Small Business Centres of Ontario who offer free e-learning modules for entrepreneurs.
Together small business thrives!